Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Here we stand at the threshold of a brand new day, we are inspiring millions of black girls, and boys the world over. We are making the impression on the hearts and minds of those who have lost hope. WE VOTED FOR CHANGE, I will not even lie I had doubt I felt disillusioned with America I thought surely after they stole it from the last president hopeful and gave it to Bush that it would happen again. My faith has been some what restored, African-American-Black-American people went out and canvased, they pulled brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, uncles, felons who could vote and said come go with me, come believe in us, come believe in a better world.

I believe that tonight we are closer to that mountain top that Dr. King talked about then we have ever been, we are close to being...where we need to be. YES WE CAN, YES WE DID, YES WE WILL! Michelle Obama is our first lady how beautiful and classy is she!!! I hope this will inspire all of use to do better and be better, can we keep this unity going black folks? Can we keep our heads up, and our backs straighter, get our minds right and dare say I unite and build up communities, take back our children, and gain some dignity and lift our collective voices and help ourselves instead of waiting for some savior figure to come save us??? YES WE CAN

When you feeling hopeless, tell yourself YES I CAN
When you feel like you should give up say NO I WON'T, AND YES I CAN MAKE IT THROUGH THIS
When you are feeling like a failure and you can't see ahead of you please TELL YOURSELF YES I CAN!

For the first time in a long time I believe that we can, dare to dream bigger than yourself.

Hebrews 11:1 What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
New Living Translation