After I watched the above video I was of two minds. First I was like okay let me try and see if I can scrounge up some compassion some empathy for this man since he was in the gripes of a powerful addiction. With any addiction comes issues, problems, a testimony,and hella battle scars. I was almost able to empathize with this man until he had the audacity to say that if his wife ever cheated on him then he would leave her. I felt humiliated for his wife, and sad for her at the same time. I can see that she loves her husband deeply and is truly committed to making her marriage work which is evident by her still being married to this man, even though the man gave her STD's twice. He also could have given her HIV or AIDS I don't believe I could love someone that hard to let them just kill me because of something that is within themselves. This man knew he wasn't right he thought marrying his wife would put his libido in check, clearly it didn't. What level of delusion and denial does one have to live in to deal with this type of emotional murder?
Love, Faith, and tenacity helped this woman stay with her husband and while I applaud those things I can't help but wonder where in the marriage vows did it say stay even when he was sleeping with 90 women a month. Why did it take him 20 years to fix his addiction? What part of the addiction made him hardly use protection? Why was his wife's love stronger then the addiction allowing her to stay with him time and time again but it wasn't strong enough for him to want to seek help sooner? Then I wonder does she respect herself? Does she love herself enough? Did she make the right choice in sticking around for 20 years with this man? When she looks in the mirror does she like the woman she is? If her daughters were to go through this same thing would she tell them to stick it out? She was even going to kill herself after he lost his NBA assistant coaching job and the only thing that saved her was her pastor...I know that women put up with a lot when it comes to men and love but again I have to say when is enough, enough?
But Is there anyone who isn't cheating in this day and age? Why even marry, or claim that you are in a relationship with someone just to cheat on them anyway. That is so dumb stop making commitments you can't keep. Cheating, lying, sleeping with other people, being confused as to who the father is to your children, all of that can be avoided if people would just be honest. Tell the truth even if it hurts I personally would rather hurt for a minute then hurt for a lifetime. Stop wounding, and killing people emotionally with betrayal, mistrust, and lies, I know all the celeb-whore-t's in the world would have you believe that being a whore male or female is what's hot and since the majority of the people in the world seem to be sheep who can't think for themselves but prefer to take their cues from celebs society will continue to be a cesspool of debauchery and insanity. Its enough to make you want to become a christian fundamentalist with right wing ideals. I'm almost scared of what the next generation is going to go through. If the ugly mess we call families, values, and relationships carry on this current path I am afraid to even think of what my niece and nephews will have to deal with my niece especially... I am sad for my generation and deeply sad for the next generation behind me something needs to change or society will just continue to erode...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
You mean to tell me you can't look at this dude and tell his elevator don't go all the way to the top? AND you set up and let his ass reproduce as well? I blame every adult involved with this situation all y'all need to be stripped of reproduction rights, and your homes/trailers/car/pick-ups/etc should be seized and sold off and you all should be marched down the street with sticks up your asses and weights around your necks then left in the middle of a field miles from no where to die slow.
First Question: If the boy only got an IQ of 59 and he was messing with a 15yr old why did her parent(s) allow it to go on? Okay her grandmother, aunt, older sister whoever is guardian over this child because clearly she is retarded as well if she laying down with a dude that's mentally retarded and she can't tell the difference then she sat up got pregnant and her people let her keep the kid, I get the welfare hustle a baby is a check and clearly someone had to get that paper so what the 15yr old took one for the team? I know that when you mentally retarded then your hormones are extra amped so who didn't give these two their pills? Who dropped the dime on this watch?
Second Question: How the fuck he get enough time to rape AND beat his daughter in a trailer full of people? I can tell by looking at the boy picture he got a mental deficiency what's the problem with everyone else and shit? Do all the people in Arkansas got a cataract? You see his momma is borderline retarded herself setting up lying on camera. She didn't look straight at the camera the whole time she was speaking.
Third Question: why the fuck isn't there some kind of law in place for the prevention of people having kids period. Yes I know that's trampling on peoples free will blah blah blah but just because you have the inner workings to reproduce doesn't mean you should do it. There needs to be some kind of preventive measures in place clearly some people can't govern themselves so everyone has to suffer. I would rather be licensed to be a parent, with a complete mental check-up, IQ test, even a health screen before giving birth. It would nip a lot of shit in the bud and children wouldn't have to suffer at the hands of people who clearly shouldn't be allowed to have children. You need a licenses to fish, to hunt, to drive a car, to even get married but any asshole who deems it so can skeet and produce a kid that shit is unbalanced. Why the fuck are animals, and even fish more protected then the very fruit of human reproduction? Clearly homo sapien's are the most fucked up and flawed creatures on the planet we do some horrible shit to each other and some of you assholes even devour your young.
There needs to be stiffer penalties for child molesters, child rapist, pedophiles and any one who harms a child, mentally, physically, sexually, emotionally. Who advocates for the children? Who speaks for them? How can we call ourselves evolved when everyday some where in the world a child is being harmed? How can we even dare wage wars when we have this kind of heinous shit going on in our very backyards? We don't even protect our children so why the fuck are we in other countries trying to tell them what to do?
I am so angry and you should be as well for every child needs protection and we as adults should protect them with our very lives but instead some sick assholes are the takers of innocence and life. For every person that harms a child the 10th gate of hell is waiting for your mortal soul and I for one think you should be sent there immediately once found guilty. No need to sit in a jail cell and take up space and taxpayers money fry their asses and send then on to hell where they belong.